Amanda Cosenza

Amanda Cosenza

Amanda is a music festival fanatic with an entrepreneurial spirit. She’s a digital marketing professional specializing in events.

Recent Posts:

How to make more money with less risk by teaching online

The best live stream software to start teaching online

5 strategies to increase attendance of your live streams

Live stream platform encourages an increase in attendance and watch time The world of live streaming has gotten a lot more competitive recently. The amount of monthly streamers on Twitch is up 37% this year alone. Standing out and garnering an audience is no easy task in the modern climate.

How to use registration pages as a powerful marketing tool

Why use registration pages as an event marketing tool? Event Registration Pages are useful tools that event organizers utilize to market their events before tickets go on sale. If your event is not ticketed, then this is an excellent way to increase the ROI of your event by collecting attendee data. Whether your event is in-person or virtual and hosted on a live streaming platform, this is one the most efficient ways to gather information and drive more attendance.

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